Gardening Guru How to Grow. How to Grow Avocados.

How to Grow Avocados.

Avocados on box
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Avocados Can Look Nasty.

I don’t think avocados are the prettiest fruit in the garden. In fact, when you look at them, they look like gnarled-up old fruit with a skin infection.

Why Grow Avocados

This is the number one reason you should grow Avocados. not only are they extremely tasty they are expensive as well.

The cost of Avocados in Australia and the USA are exorbitant. Make this simple speedy breakfast with just a handful of ingredients. Our avocado toast uses crusty sourdough bread and a pinch of chili for a kick.

I have seen avocados priced from $1.00 for some very ugly ones to close on $10.00 for the “royalty”  of the fruit. And, while I am not looking for a price challenge, there are bound to be more expensive ones than $10.00. 

And, honestly, it is not like you need an advanced degree in “Home Economics” to plate up smashed avocado with lemon, and chili flakes on sourdough bread.  

Growing Avocado from Seed.

The most economical way to grow Avocados is from seed. Finding the best way to grow avocados from seed involves trying a few different techniques. Some will be directly sown in the ground, and others will be propagated using toothpicks and water. 

I’ll walk you through the entire process of growing avocados from seeds, utilizing a variety of techniques to determine the best manner to plant the seeds. 

This video will give you numerous updates about how to turn “nasty” into “tasty”. I also demonstrate how to transfer avocados from water to soil, and the experiment is concluded by demonstrating the most effective method for starting avocados from store-bought fruit.

Avocados are tall, evergreen fruit bush that is renowned for their creamy fruits and numerous health advantages. The tree’s lush, vivid foliage is often grown for ornamental purposes. But it’s important to keep in mind that this tree’s entire composition, including the fruit, is deadly to a wide range of animals. Avocado is toxic to birds, cattle, goats, and horses.

When you combine avocados and dogs, there is a risk with the pit and not the peel or the meat! The avocado pit doesn’t break down very well in a dog’s digestive system and may result in a stomach or intestinal blockage.

That is why it is so important to have a comprehensive book like this about growing avocados. 

How To Grow Avocado: The Complete Guide To Growing And Caring For Your Avocado by Dr. Lawrence Andrews.

Pests and Disaeases.

Before planting, you should be aware of the various avocado tree pests and diseases. Placement on poorly drained soils or growing trees that aren’t certified disease-free will bring the pathogens with them. They are to blame for the vast majority of avocado tree disease issues. Learn more about common diseases and pests that affect avocado trees by reading more.


Cankers: These are highly noticeable but often only cause mild problems in avocado trees. When these wounds on tree trunks and branches bleed gum and sink a little, they take on a rusty color. Cankers on branches are frequently removable, however, cankers on tree trunks frequently result in the death of the affected trees.

Fruit Rot: This is brought on by fungus pathogens and often occurs in unsanitary areas with stressed trees. These fungi can be found in fruits that have been left on the tree after avocado harvesting or in plant debris on the ground around the tree. Effective pruning and quick fruit removal will help stave off illness.

Wilts and Blights: Dead regions in trees are a hallmark of wilts and blights, particularly when only a portion of the tree is affected.

Blights destroy branches suddenly and cause abrupt wilting; they can even kill little branches or just the leaves themselves. Your avocado can recover if the sick tissues on the trees are pruned away and the tree is given time to rest. 

Sunblotch is the worst disease avocados can get. 

Fruits are frequently scarred or discolored, twigs can turn red or yellow, and bark can form rectangular fissures. Aside from a decrease in output, infected trees are frequently stunted, but other trees exhibit no symptoms at all. 

Sunblotch cannot be healed after it has been contracted, but you may avoid the disease from spreading by buying stock that has been certified to be free of disease and by keeping your tools clean.


Borers are insects that burrow into avocado trees to feed or lay eggs. Entrance holes are readily apparent, may leak sap, and branches with borer damage may snap easily. Borers like stressed trees, so maintaining good tree health will help you avoid an infection. Branch infestations should be removed and disposed of as away.

Caterpillars – Caterpillars eat fruit, flowers, and leaves, and they can quickly inflict significant harm. If you can get a spray of “Bacillus thuringiensis” near the caterpillar, it works really well.

Lace bugs: When these are present, the leaves suffer damage. Feeding sites result in yellow blotches that quickly dry out, stressed leaves drop, and fruit and wood are exposed to ultraviolet rays. Sprays of horticultural oils or pyrethrin are advised for avocado tree therapy as symptoms start to show.

Mites:  Mites can harm plants in a similar way to lace bugs, but they can also turn leaves bronze and are more difficult to spot with the human eye. Some mites create delicate, spider-like webs while they feed. Use horticultural oil to treat them since insecticides can lead to population increases.

Final Thoughts.

Avocados are not the easiest plants to grow, but when you are munching on your second smashed avocado sourdough “bite” you can relish all your wins at once.


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